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Gunnersbury Park


We welcome over a million visits every year, from our regular dog walkers, concert-goers, Sports Hub users - the list goes on - and we want everyone to feel welcomed and safe. Sometimes things go wrong and we need to know about it, so we can put it right, prevent it happening again or explain why something happens the way it does.

In the first instance we would hope that you would contact us and let us know via the contact form on our website, email, telephone or social media. We understand that isn’t always possible and you may feel the need to make a formal complaint.

Click below to see a summary of our customer complaints policy so that you can understand how to make a complaint, how your complaint will be treated and when you can expect a response.

Our complaints policy

How to make a complaint

Please use the form below and provide the following information:

Describe clearly what happened, including the date, time and location of the incident. Please be as specific as possible about the location in Gunnersbury.

  • Tell us why you are making a complaint
  • Tell us what you would like us to do
  • Please provide your full name, email address and contact phone number
  • Tell us how you would prefer us to contact you

Please be as specific as possible and tell us what you'd like as an outcome